The Green Minds Empowerment Foundation (GMEF) is a development-oriented non-governmental organization dedicated to rewriting Africa’s human development narrative by reducing high rates of poverty through empowerment programs in communities and villages, combating poor education through advocacy, individual mentorship, seminars, and workshop training programs for young people who are struggling with reading and writing, and providing learning materials to schools and colleges. Our advocacy programs, community projects, and research activities on green environment and smart cities demonstrate our commitment to eradicating environmental deterioration in Africa. Our desire to address the health issue in African cities and villages stems from a lack of health infrastructure and Africans’ inability to obtain quality medical care. We are working diligently to address the long-standing gender divides in African society through our research hub for gender mainstreaming in Africa, which, along with other social programs, has been developed to educate the African community on the importance of an egalitarian society that allows men and women to realize their full potential and meaningfully contribute to society. According to our ideology, social injustice is the result of a divided society that constantly pits people and groups against one another. We are dedicated to educating the general public about the value of unity in ensuring our continued existence as one people, one nation, one people, and one continent. We believe that diversity is beautiful, and that diversity is beneficial to our progress as a people, a nation, and a continent.
Our internship program is meant to educate anyone interested in gaining practical and industry experience in the public and private sectors; we provide a variety of internship programs, each with its own unique nature. International Development, Artificial Intelligence, Research Methodology, Data Analysis, and Project Management are just some of the areas where we provide internships. The aforementioned topics will be updated as time goes on, and our targeted population is not specific; anyone can apply, but students (undergraduate and graduate) in any field area are given significant priority. The world is evolving, and challenges in international development intersect multiple disciplines. In our organization, we have both physical and virtual internship programs. The physical internship allows you to work in an office setting and with other members of the organization, whereas the remote internship requires you to work in a virtual professional environment and is conducted utilizing digital technology. The only thing that our physical and remote internships have in common is the field work related research component.
GMEF Interns 2021/2022
The Green Minds Empowerment Foundation is pleased to announce the Interns for the 2020/2021 Internship in International Development Research programme. Interns include:
To join our Remote Internship in International Development, click here